Can't-Miss Facts

  • Auto insurance companies can use factors like a driver’s occupation and education level to determine auto insurance premiums
  • Drivers with a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree may receive a discount over other drivers
  • Professors with college degrees are considered low-risk and can pay $151 per month for auto insurance
  • Some auto insurance companies offer teachers and professors a teacher’s auto insurance discount

There are many factors that affect your car insurance premium, including where you live, your driving record, and your occupation. Some insurance companies even factor in your level of education.

Can a professor with college degrees get cheap car insurance quotes?

All teachers, including college professors, must have a college degree to teach in schools. Many auto insurance companies reward drivers with a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree with discount insurance rates.

Other auto insurance companies offer teachers and professors a discount for being a member of the teaching profession. There are many ways to find cheap car insurance rates and many auto insurance options to choose from.

Find out all you need to know about the cheapest car insurance rates for professors with college degrees in our guide below. Enter your ZIP code now to compare free professor with college degree auto insurance quotes from the best companies in your area.

What auto insurance rates can a professor with a college degree expect to pay?

Average professor with college degree auto insurance rates are $151 per month for an average auto insurance rate of $1,812 per year.

Many auto insurance companies reward college graduates and those holding more advanced college degrees with lower rates than drivers with similar risk factors but less education.

How does education impact your auto insurance rates?

A driver’s education level can factor into their auto insurance rates with many insurance companies. Education level is one of the many factors auto insurance companies use to predict risk.

Readmore: These Factors Affect your Auto Insurance Rates

They consider drivers with more advanced degrees, bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D.’s, less risky drivers, meaning they are less likely to file insurance claims.

All teachers are required to have a college degree in order to teach, including professors. College professors may hold multiple college degrees, such as a bachelor’s, a master’s, and a Ph.D.

Drivers with college degrees receive cheaper auto insurance rates with some auto insurance companies than drivers who have completed high school.

A driver with a bachelor’s degree can expect an average annual discount of $300 over a driver with a high school diploma with the same risk factors.

More advanced college degrees such as a master’s degree or a doctorate do not bring such large jumps in discounts. A driver with a doctorate may only receive a $30 annual discount over a driver with a master’s degree.

Auto insurance companies have different formulas to factor risk for drivers. Some insurers do not use education level as a risk factor in their rate quotes, and some states have tried to ban auto insurance companies from using your level of education to determine auto insurance premiums.

Can insurance companies legally use your education level as a risk factor?

Several states, including New Jersey and Rhode Island, have challenged auto insurance companies in court to prevent them from using education levels as a risk factor in determining auto insurance rates.

It currently remains legal for auto insurance companies to use education level as a factor to determine auto insurance rates.

Several studies have shown the effects of using a driver’s education level and occupation on auto insurance rates. They found less-educated drivers can pay $600 to $900 more per year for auto insurance coverage.

A study by the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) found that lower-income and less educated drivers pay much higher rates for auto insurance than drivers with more education and higher net worth.

Another study by the CFA found that some insurance companies charge anywhere from 12% to 45% less for auto insurance to drivers with a college degree.

Many Americans think it’s unfair for insurance companies to use education levels as a factor to determine auto insurance premiums. They feel education levels have no impact on a driver’s skills. They also believe it’s discriminatory towards those who cannot afford a college education.

How does your occupation impact your auto insurance rates?

Insurance companies define risk as the likelihood of drivers in that profession filing a claim. Low-risk jobs usually have lower auto insurance premiums.

Take a look at the table below to see how occupation impacts professor and teacher auto insurance rates:

Example Average Six Month Auto Insurance Rates for High-Risk vs. Low-Risk Occupations

High-Risk OccupationsSix-Month RatesLow-Risk OccupationsSix-Month Rates
Actor$992.00Retired Miltary
(Air Force O6)
Chef with high school degree $1038.90Professor with college degree$906.00

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Teachers, professors, deans, and those with an education degree are relatively low-risk but can see higher rates than other low-risk professions due to the fact that they are more likely to commute to work and be on the road at night for late classes and events.

More time on the roads means the potential for more auto accidents in the eyes of the insurers. Auto insurance rates are based on a national average of a teacher’s or professor’s activity.

Do teachers get a discount on car insurance?

Many insurance companies offer teachers a discount due to their profession, but these discounts can vary by state.

Teachers and professors with college degrees can also get discounts through professional associations such as the Association of American Educators and individual state educator associations.

Purchasing auto insurance through professional groups often leads to discounts for teachers.

How can a professor with a college degree save on auto insurance?

In addition to receiving a discount for having a post-secondary degree and being a professor, there are additional ways that all drivers can gain discounts on their auto insurance.

When getting an auto insurance quote, keep the following potential car insurance discounts in mind:

  • Bundling – Holding multiple policies with the same insurance company can enable you to get a discount. For example, having a homeowner’s or renters insurance policy, an auto insurance policy, and a life insurance policy all with the same company can bring a discount.
  • Safe driver discounts – If you have taken defensive driving courses or you have telematics in your car for the insurance company to see your driving habits, both can bring safe driver discounts.
  • Pay-in-full discounts – Some auto insurance companies give discounts for paying an entire policy’s premiums for a year in one lump sum.
  • Safety features – Having air bags and anti-lock brakes can also bring discounts from your auto insurance company.

The only way to find out if you qualify for these discounts on auto insurance is to ask your provider before you buy auto insurance for a professor or renew your policy.

Professor with College Degree Auto Insurance: The Bottom Line

There are several ways professors and teachers can get the cheapest auto insurance. Before you buy professor with a college degree auto insurance, compare quotes from different insurance companies.

Be sure to mention your education level, your occupation, and ask about any other discounts offered. Ask auto insurance companies about bundling, safe driver discounts, and driving vehicles with built-in safety features, among other discounts. Check with any educational professional organizations to see if they offer group discounts with insurers.

Now that you know how to find affordable professor with college degree auto insurance, enter your ZIP code now to compare free quotes from top auto insurance companies in your area.